Friday, December 9, 2011

SPP interview

This was the final step for me as KPLI students. The SPP interview.
After the final exam, i got another two weeks before the interview. But I didn't take it as the opportunity to study for the interview. At last, as usual, the night before the interview then I went through about the education issues and the current issues.
Then, on December 5, I just sat and relaxed. Hhahaha. Feel like I was load with all the knowledge.
10.00 a.m. at bilik temuduga 2, 6 of us, Heveldy, Kak Hasnah, Kak Hasti, Indra, Kalai and I confronted the intreviewer. Hehehe I just gave a non-stop smile like "kerang busuk".
The first question was
"Ok Hasimah, please introduce yourself" (in bahasa melayu)
Then, I started my engine until I felt no more point to talk. Hahahah. Two important things, smile and confident. Hehehe
Than next question,
"Please state 5 principal in Rukun Negara"
It's "kacang". Shame on you la if you could not recite the Rukun Negara.
Second question accomplish.
"Please differentiate Perlembagaan and Undang-undang, can perlembagaan be amended, how many "dewan" in Perliament?"
Hehehe luckily I could recall about that when taught Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan Form 3 and form 4.
Fuhhh lega when he said "ok, bagus"
the questions about education, the learning outcomes, the evaluation etc....
final question about the current issue, sex education, how far is it important for young children...
he read the newspaper articles. hurmmm

Some tips for you guys:
The procedure;
1. Please wear a very formal attire (follow the dress code)
    a) long sleeve with plain colour kemeja (for men)
    b) plain colour of baju kurung if possible, if not make sure there is no blink2
    c) wear blazer (to feel more confident)
    d) wear name tag
    e) court shoes (dark colour preferably black)
2. Smile =) always whether can answer or not
3. Be confident. If you are not sure for the answer, tell them that you're not sure. If you do not know, tell them also that you do not know. Don't lie!
4. Please answer in the same language as the interviewer ask you. If in English, please answer in English, if in Bahasa Melayu, please answer in Bahasa Melayu. If not, they will think you rude.

Some popular questions;
1. Perlembagaan and undang-undang (constitution and law)
2. PIPP (implementation and result)
3. Mission and vission of IPG, Schools
4. Wawasan 2020
5. Governement policy
6. Sex education
7. The evaluation (formative and summative test)
8. The criteria in constructing the learning outcomes
9. The economic factors in Malaysia
10. Tourism Malaysia
opss i forgot the most popular and a must question is Falsafah pendidikan Kebangsaan (FPK)

Ok, that's all guys. Good luck.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekly Journal ~week 9~

WEEK 9 (12th September – 16th September  2011)

1.0       Masalah / Isu

Teaching is regarded as a noble profession. In Malaysian society, people usually look up to teachers, especially kids. They seem to think that whatever the teachers say is right, even sometimes teachers get it wrong. The profession itself is maybe not as glamorous as doctor, engineer or architect, who pays lucrative salary, but it is a teacher who helps in shaping a child's future. The demands for teachers in Malaysia are still high, especially for critical subjects such as English and Mathematics, and the government is working hard to make sure that the demands are met. I myself is a teacher trainee, and on my way to becoming an English teacher. I always question myself how to be a good teacher seems there is much workload for teachers. Teachers do not only need to perform in the class, but they need to be mothers or fathers to their pupils when the pupils are seeking for attention, they need to be a clerk to do so many administration work and they need to be a planner to plan their pupils’ potential is academically inclined or not.

2.0       Analisis (Apakah punca masalah)

Teachers are burdened with so many tasks and need to be completed in the minimum time duration. Time constraint is the major problem faced by the teachers to complete the task within the range time given. As for example, an English teacher will not only be a teacher who teach English in the class, but she will be a head of English panel, a librarian, a committee of Nilam programme, a committee of Standard Kualiti Pengurusan Malaysia, a committee of discipline, a class teacher, advisor of Uniform unit, advisor of club and a committee of school’s sports day. Sometimes teachers need to come to school at night for activities such as Solat Hajat, school’s camping and tuition. As for teachers, pupils and school are their first priority. My mentor was a ‘Guru Cemerlang’ before and she told me tasks and works will not come to end.

3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / Alternatif

I myself experienced it when I was a Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih before. I had a lot of job specifications and really understand this situation and regarding to this, I will always seek for the best time management to accomplish the entire task within the time given. In house training focusing on the time management for teachers is such a good way to improve teachers’ time management because teachers are not only responsible to their duty at school but also at home. Teachers are always asked to do the task in teamwork. Teamwork does help much to accomplish variety job specification. Tony Swainston (2008) in Effective Teachers in Secondary Schools state that teamwork between school colleagues, including support staff and others in the school community, is necessary to ensure an integrated and coherent approach that make sense to pupils and facilitates their learning. United we stand, divided we fall means that we should cooperate to ensure the things that we work on will meet the expectation. Besides that, teachers should always think positive of their responsible and sincere to carry out their duty. This will help teachers to be more motivated to carry out their duty and will not feel they are burdened with the tasks. 

4.0       Tempoh masa

The tasks will not be reduced or thrown away. It must be completed as told to do so. During my practicum, I should complete all pending work before final week of my practicum to prevent a heap of work load that I need to carry on my shoulder. I knew that if I fail to do all the pending tasks, I am going to feel so stressed out due to the work load that I need to fulfill during my practicum. My failure could affect me physically and emotionally because I need to double up my effort to finish all urgent work.

5.0       Tindakan susulan

As the teacher-to-be, I should prepare myself to enrich my knowledge and my skills to ensure that I would be ready to face the challenges in the education field. As mentioned earlier, it takes time to be a great teacher. I will continue to do more research from the reference books and the internet to find the best way to prepare myself to be a good teacher. I will also continue to seek help and support from my lecturer, my mentor, the senior teachers or those who are more experienced, to discuss on how to carry out the tasks effectively..

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan

As for me, I really hope that I will gain as much experiences as possible during my practical programme. After I finish this KPLI programme, I will adapt the experiences and the knowledge that I collect during my practicum. I hope that I could be a good teacher and carry out my responsibilities along my journey as a teacher.

Weekly Journal ~week 8~

WEEK 8 (5th September – 9th September  2011)

1.0       Masalah / Isu

The co-curriculum is referred to the activities that are conducted outside the classroom. There are many activities that known as co-corriculur activities such as Uniform Unit, sports, academic clubs and hobbies. Outside school or classroom activities are equally as important as those inside classroom, as they supplement curricular activities. Nowadays co-curricular activities have been accepted as an integral part of a school’s programme because they provide scope for democratic living, develop social skills, a sense of cooperation, team spirit and self discipline, which are important for a citizen to function activities.

2.0       Analisis (Apakah punca masalah)

Some of pupils make the effort to attend the activities and some are not. This is due to the some excuses such as outside tuitions, music lesson, homework and transport problems. The excuses were always use for the pupils that believe co-corriculur activities do not give any advantages for them. Then, they always skip to attend the meetings that normally conducted on Saturday.
3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / Alternatif

Teacher plays an important role to get pupils to participate in co-curricular activities. As for example in Uniform unit, Teacher in charge must have capability to organize the unit and at least the teacher must posses the knowledge in conducting the activities in every meeting. Sports and games should be properly organized in school. Activities of the entire year have to be planned out and also termwise charts should be prepared. Teachers should get appropriate representation in sports’ committee. They should prepare pupils for inter-school competition. This will encourage the pupils to take part in the sports activities because they will know that they will be rewarded if they won the competition. Lardizabal A.S. & Campos M.A. (1999) in Theory and Practice in Student Teaching state that whether the teacher aware of it or not, he plays an important role in guidance programme. Because of his daily contact with his pupils, he is in a strategic position to guide them.

4.0       Tempoh masa

The co-curricular activities must be conducted throughout the year. It should be integrated in the school’s curriculum so that the pupils will not feel that the co-curricular activities are not important.

5.0       Tindakan susulan

As the teacher-to-be, I should prepare myself to enrich my knowledge in conducting the co-curricular activities and organizing the co-curricular units or clubs. I will always attend the course that organized by the school for the co-curricular purposes.

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan

As for me, I really hope that I will gain as much experiences as possible in conducting co-curricular activities such as Uniform Unit camping, school’s sports day and the weekly activities on Saturday during my practical programme. After I finish this KPLI programme, I will adapt the experiences and the knowledge that I collect during my practicum.

Weekly Journal ~week 7~

WEEK 7 (22nd August – 26th August  2011)

1.0       Masalah / Isu

Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan Sekolah (SAPS) or Web based school assessment system is a new system that introduced by Ministry of Education to key in pupils’ examination marks. It is an online system to replace Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan  (SAP) that is used by all the teachers before. It should be the best way to collect and analyze examination data. But due to some problems, it causes some of the teachers face difficulties to at least log in into the page. Some of the teachers need to woke up at 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. just to key in the data and it will interrupt their focus teaching on the following day.

2.0       Analisis (Apakah punca masalah)
The problems may arise because of the insufficient computers in school and resort to using the computer with an Internet connection at home. Some of the teachers do not have internet connection at home and they can only use internet at school. But sometimes during day the system is busy and they can not log in into the system to key in the data. Other problems may be because of the insufficient processing capacity, system instability and lack of security. The number of online users is displayed on the log in page of the system. Some of the teachers said that when the number of users exceeds 500, the system starts to crawl and then crashes. Sometimes, the data already entered into the system goes missing after a crash and has to be keyed in all over again. The login page and subsequent pages are not secured as every web page is presented in “http:”. This means that the data transmitted by these web pages can be intercepted. According to Nancy Sehgal, the URL begin with http means the page is not secure while the URL begin with https is in the secure page. It presents a frightening security issue, especially since they are entering personal and sensitive pupils’ data via unsecured web pages.

3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / Alternatif

Teachers must aware the procedure to use this system. They should refer to the “manual penggunaan sistem SAPS” to avoid any mistakes and difficulties during the process of entering the data. Teachers can share the broadband with other teachers or rent the broadband modem from the other teachers for the sake of this task. The ministry also should take further action to solve the problems as soon as possible. The system needs to be upgraded in terms of memory and processing capability, to handle the many thousands of simultaneous users. The system’s database needs to be looked into and replaced with a robust version that can handle high volumes of simultaneous transactions. Changing the programme to validate the data and providing an online message to correct the data before updating will solve this issue. At the very least, the site must be equipped with secure web pages, most often denoted by “https:” which encrypts the data, similar to what is being offered by all Internet banking sites.

4.0       Tempoh masa

This system will be used by all the teachers in government’s school. This system will be used in every examination time. As informed by NKRA unit, this system is not developed to burden the teachers, but it is developed to gain fast and direct information about the examination marks. The NKRA unit realizes the problems and takes action to solve some of the problems. The duration to enter the data has been lengthening until September 2, 2011. So, the teachers still have time to enter the data and complete their task.

5.0       Tindakan susulan

Although the practical teachers are not allowed to use the system, but I have the opportunity to take a look the system while one of the teachers log in into the system to enter the data. The system is more to same with the older version of Sistem Analisis Peperiksaan v2 and v7 and also SAPHC that I used to use during my service as Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih before but this is an online version. “Manual penggunaan sistem SAPS” provides step-by-step guidance for teachers to use the system. This can help me to use the knowledge in the future. Teachers can update the data and also print out the analysis of the examination for further action. Some of the teachers share the broadband to key in the data and all the teachers in SK Kulai complete the task before 26th of August.

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan

As for me, I really hope that this system can give positive effect to the education sector as the data can be access everywhere and at any time. After I finish this KPLI programme, I will adapt the experiences and the knowledge that I collect during my practicum.

Weekly Journal ~week 6~

WEEK 6 (15th August – 19th August  2011)

1.0       Masalah / Isu

This week, Panel of Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan of SK Kulai launched the 54th Malaysia’s Independence month. Merdeka anniversary was one auspicious occasion where all quarters regardless of race, religion and political ideology should gather to celebrate it. It is including the young children in schools. The merdeka spirit should be inculcated since there are young because they will be leader in the future. So they will not forget the difficulties of their ancestors whose fight for the Malaysia’s independence.

2.0       Analisis (Apakah punca masalah)

The spirit of independence should not be reminded only once a year.  It should be with us all the time, moment to moment. It is not only on 31st August for Malaysian to remind the word of Merdeka, it should be all the time. Perhaps the rather quietness of Merdeka this year is simply a reflection of our state of mind currently. To inculcate love for the country among young children is not an easy task because they must know the true meaning of merdeka. For them, they only know that merdeka is the time to celebrate the happiness for Malaysian.
3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / Alternatif

The trend of celebrating a month-long Merdeka continues this year as what have been done by SK Kulai. Various events have been slated. The theme of “1 Malaysia, Transformasi Berjaya Rakyat Sejahtera” have been selected for Merdeka celebration this year. Simultaneously on this day, the national flag raising campaign begins throughout the country. It has become a tradition for Malaysians, including those in rural areas, to display the nation’s flag at their houses, office premises, shopping complexes, and also schools. SK Kulai will organize many programmes and activities this month. The programmes and activities are Quizes such as “Kenali Perdana Menteri Malaysia”, “Ingati Tarikh Kemerdekaan” and “The Secret Independence Code”, poetry declamation contest, drawing and colouring contest, slogan invention contest and a project of “Pintu Gerbang Kemerdekaan”.

4.0       Tempoh masa

The programmes and activities will be conducted from August 16 until September 15 2011. The 54th Malaysia’s Independence month will come to end on the 15th September 2011 which the closing ceremony will be held on that day. I will encourage my pupils to take part in the programmes and activities to instill their merdeka spirit and to show their love to Malaysia.

5.0       Tindakan susulan

Since the Quiz of “The Secret Independence Code” will be conducted by English Laguange Panel, I will distribute the handouts year 1, year 2 and year 3 pupils. 15 contestants will be selected at random to win the prizes. The program will be held on September 5 until September 9 2011. For the other activities and programmes, I will also give my support and help other panel to conduct the activities and the programmes. All teachers must cooperate to make sure the all the programmes and activities will run smoothly. Teachers must show their merdeka spirit as the role model to pupils. With only a small Jalur Gemilang attached at the cars it can give a deep meaning to inculcate the merdeka spirit and love for the country.

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan

Every Merdeka day brings back fond memories for me, from my carefree days as a child like my pupils to my days of understanding the true meaning of merdeka. It continues to be a special day of the year for me. We may celebrate it for only a month every year but the fruits of merdeka are enjoyed for a life time. I am proud to be Malaysian because I can live in this peaceful and harmony country. So, I want my pupils to feel the same. We should thank to Allah for giving us peace. And we should appreciate the independence and thank to our ancestors who’s fought for this independence.

Weekly Journal ~week 5~

WEEK 5 (8th August – 12th August  2011)

1.0       Masalah / Isu

This is my fifth week of practicum in SK Kulai. The issue that I would like to highlight is the importance of English language in Malaysia. As we all know that English language is the number one language used in the world. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin launched an initiative of the Education Ministry to improve the quality of English Language teaching. He said that teachers should take the initiative to develop their professionalism. It shows that Malaysian must also know to speak and communicate well in this language for better rapport with other countries in the world. Some of my pupils have tendency to speak in English but they were afraid and shy.

2.0       Analisis (Apakah punca masalah)

Unfortunately, I found out that not all of us are interested to learn English language may be because there is no force for them to use the language in daily life. It is because English language is not their mother tongue. Through my observation in my 4 Ceria class, I would say that most of them are not really focus and show great desire to learn English. I am not sure whether my techniques of teaching is the cause of this phenomenon happened in the class.  I have use variety of technique in conducting my lesson. I could say that the problem may arise because of they lack of confidence to speak and talk in English.

3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / Alternatif

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem:
a) I need to make my pupils love English language's learning process. I should encourage them to be interested in what I am teaching them and they want to improve their skills in English because love is the key to success.
b) Before I begin my lessons, I should begin by a motivated warm-up that could help my pupils to be more familiar with new words, grammar rules or writing skills.
c) I will try to vary my teaching's tips, to ensure my English class is not a boring place where ideas are repeated, otherwise; it should be an environment of innovation and creation. For example, I could use colourful illustration to engage their attention towards the lesson.
d) Most of my pupils enjoy doing group activity, so I need to encourage them to participate in the group activity. They could share their ideas and they will be able to at least speak a few of English words among their group members.

4.0       Tempoh masa

Planning an activity for pupils of different abilities and dealing with pupils’ attitudes and weaknesses are not an easy task. However, I am sure that all these problems can be overcome if I continue to work hard to conduct activities during my lesson. I plan to change a bit of my teaching method in order to attract the pupils to focus and enjoy in my class starting this week.

5.0       Tindakan susulan

I always ask help from the senior teachers in the school to vary my activities in the class. I have addressed my problems to my mentor. She advised me to try new method of teaching and be sterner to the pupils. May be some activities on reading the story, speak the unfamiliar words and role-play by using dialogue could help them to add their vocabulary and use their vocabulary in their daily life. Some of them could say “Teacher, may I help you?” and “Teacher, I want o answer” and it shows improvement in their effort because before this they like to speak those words in Bahasa Melayu

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan

As for me, I really hope that my pupils will change their attitude and be more focus during my English class. I will encourage them to at least speak 2 words in English in the class. I want everyone to excel in English and at the end of the day they can speak, write and read English language in correct and proper way.

Weekly Journal ~week 4~

WEEK 4 (1st – 5th August 2011)

1.0       Isu yang difokuskan
It was already week four but I still have trouble with planning the right activities for the teaching and learning sessions. This problem occurs before every lesson took place. I am facing a lot of difficulties to come out with a suitable activity for the level of my pupils and I am spending inordinate time to think and plan the activity. For that reason, I am feeling at a loss of thinking, searching and finding ideas of varying the activities for my teaching and learning sessions that will suit my pupils’ level. This problem really troubles me as I am worried that pupils will be bored stiff with the techniques and methods that I normally apply in class.

2.0       Analisis (apakah punca masalah)
This problem continues to exist because I am thinking too much about my practicum duty. I have bought many books and do a lot of research from the internet to find teaching ideas for my lesson. I know that the teaching and learning session is trial and error lesson for me to see whether or not an idea is suitable for my pupils. However, I am still scared to put the ideas to the test because I always think that the activities suggested are not suitable for my pupils’ level and that they will not enjoy the activities. This problem really upsets me and I am feeling guilty towards my pupils as I think that I do not deliver my lesson well. At times, I can see their unenthusiastic face and subtle reluctance to get involved in the activity that has been planned. I can also feel their boredom during my lesson.

3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / Alternatif
There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem mentioned earlier:
(a) I need to make an in-depth thinking while preparing for the activity to be implemented in my teaching and learning session. I have to imagine the real situation and ask myself, “How will the students respond towards this activity?”
(b) I need to seek help and support from my supervisor, my mentor, the senior teachers or those who are more experienced, to discuss on the best way to overcome my difficulties.
(c) I have to make a lot of research by referring to plenty of reference books and the internet before coming up with an activity.

4.0       Tempoh masa
I will try to overcome my problems soonest possible; that is prior to week five of practicum. I realize that if I am unable to manage these problems immediately, the situation might fail the achievement of the learning objectives in the teaching and learning activity that is planned in the daily lesson plan. I will need the assistance from my mentor and colleagues to assess the effectiveness and success of my handling the problems. I will also need to do some self- assessment to solve these matters.

5.0       Tindakan susulan
I need to be resourceful in planning activities which will suit the curriculum specifications and the learning objectives within the time stipulated. I will always seek guidance and help from my supervisor, my mentor and other colleagues who have been wonderful assistance so far. I need to be bold in trying new ideas and be optimist by giving my students chances to get involved in the new activities.

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan
I realize that I am new to teaching English. I always have to remember that trial and error goes a long way towards perfecting my teaching style. So, I need to ask questions when I am struggling. Alan Alda, an American actor, director and screenwriter in the 70’s and 80’s, quotes: “Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.”

Weekly Journal ~week 2~

WEEK 2 (18th – 22nd July 2011)

1.0       Isu yang difokuskan

This week, I am having problem in dealing with the time management when conducting activities during the teaching and learning session in class. The problem was related to pupils’ involvement in the activities that was planned in class. The pupils were cooperative and putting a lot of efforts in carrying out the activities that were assigned to them. However, the class has been a little too noisy when everybody wanted to answer a question at the same time especially during the brainstorming activity. Furthermore, pupils were unable to keep up with the time allotted to complete the activities that have been given; particularly in group work activities. This matter has interrupted the flow of teaching and learning session. As a person who is new in teaching English, I knew that it is not easy to plan an activity for the pupils. When I plan a lesson, I always assume that pupils will be able to do the activities that I have planned within the time allocated. But when the lesson was conducted, I found that my assumption was wrong as pupils required more time to do the activity. They were not able to complete their work on time.

2.0       Analisis (apakah punca masalah)

This problem exists because I was being very soft to pupils in terms of keeping up with the time in doing the activities in the teaching and learning session. In addition, I felt that I have failed to give clear and accurate instructions prior to the activities. This has caused pupils to have difficulties in carrying out the activities because they did not get a clear picture of what they were supposed to do.      

3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / Alternatif

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem:
(a) I should be firm with students when it comes to work within the time limits. I should always remind pupils about keeping up with the time allocated.
(b) I should give simple and clear instructions to students before asking them to carry out certain task during the teaching and learning session so that they fully understand what are they required to do.
 (c) I need to seek help and support from my lecturer, my mentor, the senior teachers or those who are more experienced, to discuss on the best way to overcome my difficulties related to time management and how to handle peer disagreements in the class.
(d) I need to inculcate good cooperation and teamwork among pupils.
(e) I will continue to do more research from the reference books and the internet to find the best activities that can be applied in my lessons so that pupils will not get bored in learning English.

4.0       Tempoh masa

Planning an activity for pupils of different abilities and dealing with pupils’ attitudes and weaknesses are not an easy task. However, I am sure that all these problems can be overcome if I continue to work hard to improve my lessons. To be honest, I need to give myself some time to enhance and develop my teaching skills as planning good lessons require a lot of trials and errors. I will try to overcome my problems as soon as possible; that is prior to week three of practicum. The problems can also interrupt my duty in this school if I will not overcome it.

5.0       Tindakan susulan

As mentioned earlier, it takes time to be a great teacher. I will continue to do more research from the reference books and the internet to find the best activities that can be applied in my lessons so that pupils will not get bored in learning English. I will also continue to seek help and support from my lecturer, my mentor, the senior teachers or those who are more experienced, to discuss on the best way to overcome my difficulties related to time management and conduct suitable exercises for my pupils according to their level.

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan

“Education is a painful, continual and difficult work to be done in kindness, by watching, by warning, by praise, but above all -- by example”.  This quote really means to me because to be a good teacher, I must good in planning my lesson and also my time to ensure my pupils will get what they need to learn on that day.


Englishraven (2011). Lesson Planning and Reflective Teaching, Retrived July 20, 2011.

Jennifer Wagaman (2008). Organization and Time Management for Teacher. Retrieved

Personal PSU (2011). Gagne’s Events of Instruction, Retrived July 22, 2011.

Snowman, Jack; McCown, Rick; & Biehler, Robert. (2009). Psychology Applied to
Teaching. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Weekly Journal ~week 3~

WEEK 3 (25th – 28th July 2011)

1.0       Isu yang difokuskan

During the teaching practice in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kulai, I have found that there were some bullying cases among the pupils. Surprisingly, the cases were also involving year one pupils. From Monday until Friday, there was at least one bullying case reported. There were two cases occurred which I saw it with my own eyes. Bullying can be direct, when victims are directly approached, or indirect, when victims are not present. Direct bullying consists of calling names, physical aggression, threats, hurtful words or unpleasant faces and gestures that bother the victims. Boys are four times more engaged indirect bullying than girls. Indirect bullying involves ignoring, isolation, defamation or denial of wishes; girls are more likely to use indirect bullying.

2.0       Analisis (apakah punca masalah)

The problem may arise due to jealousy among them. Sometimes, they did not satisfy with his or her friends, and then they tend to do something against the rules such as name-calling, fighting and ignoring. Some pupils do lack social awareness and end up bullying others because they lack the ability to establish positive peer relationships. Their problem often is compounded by the frustration and anger of not knowing alternatives. In such cases, probably any contemporary synthesis of social skills and any rigorous theory of moral development provide important insights and relevant frameworks to guide involvement. Boys and girls are having a different ways in bullying method. Boys were bullying by rough and direct while girls on the other hand bullying by indirect with way such as insinuating and worsen the student being bullied. Pupils being bullied usually will be depressed, changes of their sleeping time, loss weight and eating pattern, skip school, lost interest in doing activities and many other negative thing.

3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / alternative
 Bully is happen to pupils which usually isolated from other pupils because of their physical appearance or their behavior. This kind of pupils is an easy target for other group of pupils to take advantage of him or her. This is because as a kid alone they are afraid to fight back. This kind of pupils needs to be help for building their self confident. To build their self confident, they need to be seen by other classmate or schoolmate. As an example, help them to do some of question in front so the student will gain some of confident. As the time goes by, the pupils it self will start to be mature to handle them self. The other kids will also start to acknowledge him and be friend with the pupils. The other way to stop this case is using psychologies which consult the bully pupils itself why he or she bullied other pupils. I think I need to help this kind of pupils what will happen if he or she continues this kind of attitude. Usually they would not speak out their problem, but I believe that if we are closer as a friend or family, I can know their problem. As I analyse, few cases of bully is because of they follow their senior behavior which act like little boss in school.
4.0       Tempoh masa
These problems need more attention from teachers and also parents. So, it will take some more times to be settled maybe about two or three weeks. For my pupils, I will make sure they will not involve in bullying cases and if there is case involving my pupils, I will settle it immediately.

5.0       Tindakan susulan
I will need the assistance from my cooperating teacher, school counselor and colleagues to assess the effectiveness and success in handling the problems. I will also need to do some research and reading to solve these matters. I will think of ways to deal with this problem from time to time. I will always seek guidance and help from my cooperating teacher who has been wonderful assistance so far. As far as I concern, this case of bully is common case been told in assembly and some of case, if needed, the parent will be call to meet the teachers to discuss the pupils’ behavior. This kind of usually will make positive changes to the pupils’ attitude. Canning student nowadays is not a suitable method to discipline student because it proven that student will be more anger after the punishment.  

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan
I hope these problems will not affect my objectives to be here as a training teacher. I also hope my pupils will not involve in such cases because it will affect their behavior in the class. If they did not perform in the class, it will affect their academic results. I hope that I can help discipline teacher and counselor to overcome these problems as preparation to be a real teacher soon.


Jim Wright (2003), Preventing Classroom Bullying: What Teachers Can Do

Department of health and human services (2008)

Alan McEvoy (2005), Teachers Who Bully Students: Patterns And Policy Implications,
Wittenberg University.

Weekly Journal ~week 1~

WEEK 1 (11th – 15th July 2011)

1.0       Isu yang difokuskan

This is my first week of practicum in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kulai. My lecturer, Madam Nor Ashikin H’ng Abdullah, had kindly come by for a pre-observation on Thursday this week to meet up with me and partner Hasnah Selamat to discuss important matters that need to be done during the practicum weeks. I cannot stop feeling a strong apprehension in my mind whenever I come to think about my duty during practicum and the observation that will be done by my lecturer and my mentor. Will I be able to meet their expectations? Will I be able to carry out what I have planned successfully? How will the students react to my teaching and learning activity? I was so worried and keep thinking whether or not I could balance my time to carry out my practicum duty and also to give an unconditional attention to my family. Have a good rest could no longer fit into my tight schedule. Honestly, it is hard. The pressure is intensifying.

2.0       Analisis (apakah punca masalah)

The problem may arise due to the lack of mental and physical preparation in facing all the obstacles to meet my vision of becoming a great teacher with exceptional personality. According to Vgotsky’s theory, teachers should prepare and provide educational content which will be the stepping stones for learners to move beyond their current level of understanding, to a higher level of understanding. Basically, the elementary cognitive functions are transformed into higher mental functions through interactions with more knowledgeable adults. With little experience that I have, I knew that I need to make a lot of effort to uncover the myriad of knowledge in this wide world. I could learn from the dedicated and enthusiastic lecturers of IPGKTI, or from the senior English teachers in SK Kulai who are always ready to lend their hands, or just from anybody or any sources that could assist me in strengthening my journey towards building my career as a teacher.

3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / Alternatif

There are several ways that could be done to overcome the problem mentioned earlier:
(a) I must make a proper mental and physical preparation by reading a lot of materials related to motivation and pedagogical approaches in education.
(b) I need to seek help and support from my lecturer, my mentor, the senior teachers or those who are more experienced, to discuss on the best way to overcome my problems and anxieties. I need to have faith in myself.
(c) I have to learn to cope with the new atmosphere by taking it positively to ensure that I can manage my core business successfully. I have to be strong and persevere despite of having time constraint due to the lack of opportunity to focus on my practicum duty.
(d) I need to re-schedule my time management in order to carry out my responsibilities efficiently. Jennifer Wagaman in her article ―Organization and Time Management for Teachers stated that organizing our work and prioritizing our time will help us catch up, keep up and even get ahead in our busy life as a teacher. If I cannot do my work during the day, then I will do it in the middle of the night. Even if I will not get enough sleep and rest. I will put aside my pleasure time as to give more room for my practicum.
(e) I need to read a lot of materials on conducting lessons in my class such as class management and class control.

4.0       Tempoh masa

I will try to overcome my problems as soon as possible; that is prior to week two of practicum. I realize that if I am unable to manage the major problems that I am facing this week, it could jeopardize my capability of performing my practicum duty and delivering the teaching and learning activity effectively. The problems can also interrupt other crucial tasks that I need to carry out in school.

5.0       Tindakan susulan

I will need the assistance from my mentor and colleagues to assess the effectiveness and success in handling the problems. I will also need to do some self-assessment to solve these matters. I will think of ways to deal with my problems from time to time. I will always seek guidance and help from my lecturer and mentor who have been wonderful assistance so far. Mentoring will support the pedagogical development of new teachers (Feiman-Nemser, Carver, Schwille, and Yusko, 1999). I will also ask for advice and support from other teachers, and not forgetting my beloved family; to make sure that my problems can be overcame.

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan

Every cloud has a silver lining. It means that every difficult situation has a bright side. This idiom is closely referred to my current situation. Even though my problems make me somewhat worried, it is actually a gift from God. This situation has really put my capability and potential to the test. I just want to take them positively and I will carry on all difficulties with God’s help. I will grab every opportunity that permits me to give more focus on the teaching and learning activity. After all, that is the core business of a teacher. According to Joshua J. Marine, Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

Feiman-Nemser, Schwille, S., Carver, C. & Yusko, B. (1999).Beyond support:Taking 
new teachers seriously as learners. In M. Scherer (Ed.). A better beginning: Supporting mentoring new teachers. (pp. 3-12). Alexandria, VA:  ASCD.

Jennifer Wagaman (2008). Organization and Time Management for Teacher. Retrieved

Thinkexist (2011). Joshua J. Marine quotes. Retrieved July 16, 2011.

Snowman, Jack; McCown, Rick; & Biehler, Robert. (2009). Psychology Applied to
Teaching. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.