Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekly Journal ~week 3~

WEEK 3 (25th – 28th July 2011)

1.0       Isu yang difokuskan

During the teaching practice in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kulai, I have found that there were some bullying cases among the pupils. Surprisingly, the cases were also involving year one pupils. From Monday until Friday, there was at least one bullying case reported. There were two cases occurred which I saw it with my own eyes. Bullying can be direct, when victims are directly approached, or indirect, when victims are not present. Direct bullying consists of calling names, physical aggression, threats, hurtful words or unpleasant faces and gestures that bother the victims. Boys are four times more engaged indirect bullying than girls. Indirect bullying involves ignoring, isolation, defamation or denial of wishes; girls are more likely to use indirect bullying.

2.0       Analisis (apakah punca masalah)

The problem may arise due to jealousy among them. Sometimes, they did not satisfy with his or her friends, and then they tend to do something against the rules such as name-calling, fighting and ignoring. Some pupils do lack social awareness and end up bullying others because they lack the ability to establish positive peer relationships. Their problem often is compounded by the frustration and anger of not knowing alternatives. In such cases, probably any contemporary synthesis of social skills and any rigorous theory of moral development provide important insights and relevant frameworks to guide involvement. Boys and girls are having a different ways in bullying method. Boys were bullying by rough and direct while girls on the other hand bullying by indirect with way such as insinuating and worsen the student being bullied. Pupils being bullied usually will be depressed, changes of their sleeping time, loss weight and eating pattern, skip school, lost interest in doing activities and many other negative thing.

3.0       Cadangan untuk memperbaiki / alternative
 Bully is happen to pupils which usually isolated from other pupils because of their physical appearance or their behavior. This kind of pupils is an easy target for other group of pupils to take advantage of him or her. This is because as a kid alone they are afraid to fight back. This kind of pupils needs to be help for building their self confident. To build their self confident, they need to be seen by other classmate or schoolmate. As an example, help them to do some of question in front so the student will gain some of confident. As the time goes by, the pupils it self will start to be mature to handle them self. The other kids will also start to acknowledge him and be friend with the pupils. The other way to stop this case is using psychologies which consult the bully pupils itself why he or she bullied other pupils. I think I need to help this kind of pupils what will happen if he or she continues this kind of attitude. Usually they would not speak out their problem, but I believe that if we are closer as a friend or family, I can know their problem. As I analyse, few cases of bully is because of they follow their senior behavior which act like little boss in school.
4.0       Tempoh masa
These problems need more attention from teachers and also parents. So, it will take some more times to be settled maybe about two or three weeks. For my pupils, I will make sure they will not involve in bullying cases and if there is case involving my pupils, I will settle it immediately.

5.0       Tindakan susulan
I will need the assistance from my cooperating teacher, school counselor and colleagues to assess the effectiveness and success in handling the problems. I will also need to do some research and reading to solve these matters. I will think of ways to deal with this problem from time to time. I will always seek guidance and help from my cooperating teacher who has been wonderful assistance so far. As far as I concern, this case of bully is common case been told in assembly and some of case, if needed, the parent will be call to meet the teachers to discuss the pupils’ behavior. This kind of usually will make positive changes to the pupils’ attitude. Canning student nowadays is not a suitable method to discipline student because it proven that student will be more anger after the punishment.  

6.0       Kesimpulan/ Harapan
I hope these problems will not affect my objectives to be here as a training teacher. I also hope my pupils will not involve in such cases because it will affect their behavior in the class. If they did not perform in the class, it will affect their academic results. I hope that I can help discipline teacher and counselor to overcome these problems as preparation to be a real teacher soon.


Jim Wright (2003), Preventing Classroom Bullying: What Teachers Can Do

Department of health and human services (2008)

Alan McEvoy (2005), Teachers Who Bully Students: Patterns And Policy Implications,
Wittenberg University.

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